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Change log entry 37724
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-23 17:01:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36235 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
家里有个彩色电视机已不新鲜了。Having a colour television in the home is not something uncommon these days.
- 新鮮 新鲜 [xin1 xian1] /fresh (experience, food etc)/freshness/
# + 新鮮 新鲜 [xin1 xian1] /fresh (experience, food etc)/freshness/novel/uncommon/rare/
+ 新鮮 新鲜 [xin1 xian1] /fresh (experience, food etc)/freshness/novel/uncommon/
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