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Change log entry 37718
Processed by: richwarm (2011-10-23 08:43:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36835 >>
'DNA' in the Pinyin entry should not have spaces between the letters (i.e. 'DNA'
not 'D N A'). This will ensure better search matches and readability.

Editor: Some might like semicolons instead of forward-slashes in the definition to improve
readability, but those who have written software that takes our present format into account
might not be so happy with such a change.
# - DNA鑒定 DNA鉴定 [DNA jian4 ding4] /DNA test/DNA testing/
# + DNA鑒定 DNA鉴定 [DNA jian4 ding4] /DNA test/DNA testing/
# - DNA親子鑒定 DNA亲子鉴定 [DNA qin1 zi3 jian4 ding4] /DNA paternity test/
# + DNA親子鑒定 DNA亲子鉴定 [DNA qin1 zi3 jian4 ding4] /DNA paternity test/
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