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Change log entry 37635
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-19 19:43:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36591 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
From an article in Taiwan's 聯合報

I assume that this coincides with MoE's meaning 調味佐料. In MoE's example
this is a noun. I can also find examples where it is used as a verb or as an
adjective (eg 調和咖啡, getting 3m g hits). I have also added, to console
(MoE's 安慰) and to cook (MoE's) 烹調.

I am more than willing to be corrected on any or all of these translations.

Editor: thanks for adding this. A quick look through dicts shows that this is one sense on which they are not strong. 调和 is certainly used (esp. in cooking) when blending things in harmonious proportions, or to harmonize flavors; I think "blend" preserves that sense. "to season" corresponds to MoE's example (as a noun also, you're right), and I find in Zdic "烹调,调味". "to cook" seems a bit flat, I lack a verb that would be between "to cook" and "to season" like 烹调 (cuisine and not cooking).
I do find a lot of references to 调和咖啡豆 and such, seems rather a set phrase. However, in your example, or in this:
it's a verb, and "to season" doesn't quite fit. "to blend with" doesn't account for your example. The sense is clear but I don't find the word.

As to "console": It's not as easy as translating the Chinese def into English, this is adding layers of approximation. In this example sentence on MoE, do these young men need to be consoled? I don't think so. I think these young women are rubbing them where it feels fine, in order to soften them.
慰 is not really "to console". Think of 自慰, not "to console oneself" but "to comfort oneself, to appease oneself". 撫慰 is given as synonym (among others) of 安慰, and *that* certainly can mean "to placate". And I have had a sudden idea, and going to Nciku, looking for "placate", I see that Collins E-C gives 安慰.

Of course 安慰 most often refers to a person with some sorrow, and "to disturb" remains the most immediate translation.
Also, I'm not so satisfied with "placate", maybe "ingratiate, win over...". Anyway, it's a rare sense I suppose.

On the whole 调和 has only one meaning, "to make harmonious", but the multitude of possible contexts makes it hard to define in one English word. Or even several ones.
- 調和 调和 [tiao2 he2] /harmonious/to mediate/to reconcile/to compromise/mediation/
# + 調和 调和 [tiao2 he2] /harmonious/to mediate/to reconcile/to compromise/mediation/to mix/to blend/blended/to console/to cook/
+ 調和 调和 [tiao2 he2] /harmonious/to mediate/to reconcile/to compromise/mediation/to mix/to blend/blended/to season/seasoning/to placate/
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