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Change log entry 37633
Processed by: ycandau (2011-10-19 12:23:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36553 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>

(and found it several times in 四世同堂)

Editor: a common word. I'm pretty positive that I hear a qing tone in the erhua variant.
= 兒媳 儿媳 [er2 xi2] /daughter-in-law/
+ 兒媳婦 儿媳妇 [er2 xi2 fu4] /daughter-in-law/
# + 兒媳婦兒 儿媳妇儿 [er2 xi2 fu4 r5] /daughter-in-law/
+ 兒媳婦兒 儿媳妇儿 [er2 xi2 fu5 r5] /erhua variant of 兒媳婦|儿媳妇[er2 xi2 fu4]/
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