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Change log entry 37409
Processed by: richwarm (2011-10-07 22:51:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36257 - submitted by 'carlosgg' >>
Reigning, two years running football player of the year.

Editor: For the trad, 裏奧內爾·梅西 seems to be rare, and 裡奧內爾·梅西 even rarer.
On the other hand, Wikipedia has 利昂內爾·梅西 and Baidu has 里奥·梅西... and so on.

Well, I just can't get inspired to create entries for the names of football players. I'm sure he's very good, but I
think I should spend my time on more useful Chinese words. I would have to research the spelling of his name,
correct the format of the submission (dot missing from the pinyin, for example), look up his year of birth, and
modify the entry later if he is player of the year again ...
# (裏|裡)奧內爾·梅西 里奥内尔·梅西 [Li3 ao4 nei4 er3 Mei2 xi1] /Lionel Messi, Argentine football star, twice (2009 and 2010) FIFA World Player of the Year/
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