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Change log entry 37407
Processed by: richwarm (2011-10-07 22:25:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36555 >>
The Chinese term is found here

The English translation is found here
"... 'Falun Gong' translates as 'Practice of the Law Wheel' or 'Law Wheel
Qigong,' while 'Falun Dafa' translates as 'Great Way of the Law Wheel.'"

Editor: Wikipedia says "According to [the Falun Gong text] Zhuan Falun, Falun Gong's system was
developed between 1984 and 1989 after years of synthesis from general Qigong principles and
advice from Masters of numerous religious and spiritual schools" so I don't see that we should say
that it is "an ancient spiritual practice."
# 法輪大法 法轮大法 [fa3 lun2 da4 fa3] /Great Way of the Law Wheel; Falun Dafa (an ancient spiritual practice made public in China in 1992)/
+ 法輪大法 法轮大法 [Fa3 lun2 Da4 fa3] /another name for 法輪功|法轮功[Fa3 lun2 Gong1]/
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