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Change log entry 37406
Processed by: richwarm (2011-10-07 22:02:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36556 >>
The description was "proscribed Chinese spiritual practice." For laymen, it may be a little
confusing to see this word "proscribed." I had to look it up myself. "Persecuted" is the
word most often used and more widely understood, so I thought it should be this.

Also I changed it to "A Chinese spiritual practice, persecuted in modern-day China"
because I think this makes more sense, and it also makes it clear that it is first off, a
spiritual practice, and secondly it is also being persecuted in modern China.

Editor: (1) I don't think it is the job of a dictionary to document misspellings, so I am deleting the 法論功 entry
(2) "proscribe" is not a particularly rare word, and it is true to say that FG is proscribed in the PRC
(3) It would be more apt to say that its *followers* are persecuted than to say that FG is persecuted
(4) Using a word like either "proscribe" or "persecute" tends to make the definition less than neutral
(5) We have already changed the definition of FG in the main entry for 法輪功 (i.e. the one with the correct spelling)
- 法論功 法论功 [Fa3 lun2 gong1] /erroneous variant of 法輪功|法轮功[Fa3 lun2 gong1], Falungong (proscribed Chinese spiritual practice)/
# + 法論功 法论功 [Fa3 lun2 gong1] /erroneous variant of 法輪功|法轮功[Fa3 lun2 gong1], Falun Gong (A Chinese spiritual practice, persecuted in modern-day China)/
# Editor: Added the following lines ~
= 法輪功 法轮功 [Fa3 lun2 Gong1] /Falun Gong (Chinese spiritual practice, founded in 1992)/
- 李洪志 李洪志 [Li3 Hong2 zhi4] /Li Hongzhi, founder of the Falunggong 法輪功|法轮功 spiritual movement/
+ 李洪志 李洪志 [Li3 Hong2 zhi4] /Li Hongzhi, founder of Falung Gong 法輪功|法轮功[Fa3 lun2 Gong1]/
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