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Change log entry 37340
Processed by: ycandau (2011-09-28 18:26:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35600 >>
Chinese historical figure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Ce

Editor: Sun Ce is just about as famous as, say, Cao Cao. When I am reading, I like the dict to tell me briefly what is behind the names I encounter.
The history of those times is complex; Wu was founded in 229 by his brother; he did not really unite southeastern China. And 3 kingdoms officially started in 220
# #### - 日 日 [ri4] /sun/day/date, day of the month/abbr. for 日本 Japan/
# + 孫策 孙策 [Sun1 Ce4] /Sun Ce (175-200), general and major warlord of the Later Han Dynasty who united southeastern China and formed the Three Kingdoms state of Wu/
+ 孫策 孙策 [Sun1 Ce4] /Sun Ce (175-200), general and major warlord of the Later Han Dynasty/
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