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Change log entry 37227
Processed by: ycandau (2011-09-12 19:40:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36124 >>

Editor: 吊鐘花 is not campanula, even if it's understandable that a Chinese having to translate "bell flower" might fall on 吊鐘花.
What's more astonishing, the flower on that site you quote is neither enkianthus nor campanula, doesn't even have a bell shape. It's a well-known flower, I just can't remember its name at the moment.
# 吊(鍾|鐘) 吊钟 [diao4zhong1] /Bell flower/
+ 吊鐘花 吊钟花 [diao4 zhong1 hua1] /Chinese New Year flower (Enkianthus quinqueflorus)/
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