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Change log entry 37223
Processed by: ycandau (2011-09-12 18:41:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35650 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
no "powerful words" here, this is an error dating to the original misreading qiang2.
I dislike "to argue irrationally" too, it's not the meaning.
In fact this is a very common and simple expression, which means that you are trying to win the argument in a somewhat strenuous and unreasonable way.
- 強詞奪理 强词夺理 [qiang3 ci2 duo2 li3] /powerful words devoid of sense (idiom); sophistry/loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument/shoving false arguments down people's throats/to argue illogically/
+ 強詞奪理 强词夺理 [qiang3 ci2 duo2 li3] /to twist words and force logic (idiom)/sophistry/loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument/shoving false arguments down people's throats/
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