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Change log entry 37066
Processed by: vermillon (2011-07-30 16:12:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 36085 - submitted by 'carlosgg' >>
Capitalized the first letter of every word in the pinyin
editor: and cedict rules say that there's a space between each pinyin syllable
- 中國建設銀行 中国建设银行 [zhong1 guo2 jian4 she4 yin2 hang2] /China Construction Bank/
# + 中國建設銀行 中国建设银行 [Zhong1guo2 Jian4she4 Yin2hang2] /China Construction Bank/
+ 中國建設銀行 中国建设银行 [Zhong1 guo2 Jian4 she4 Yin2 hang2] /China Construction Bank/
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