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Change log entry 36878
Processed by: richwarm (2011-07-15 20:13:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35883 - submitted by 'jsmith' >>
capitalization, assuming three "words" YMMV
Editor: MMDV
I see 奥委会 as a word here. ABC concurs:
奥委会 Àowěihuì -- ab. Àolínpǐkè Yùndòng Wěiyuánhuì -- Olympic Committee
* "my mileage does vary" ;-)
- 國際奧委會 国际奥委会 [guo2 ji4 ao4 wei3 hui4] /International Olympic Committee/
# + 國際奧委會 国际奥委会 [Guo2 ji4 Ao4 Wei3 hui4] /International Olympic Committee/
+ 國際奧委會 国际奥委会 [Guo2 ji4 Ao4 wei3 hui4] /International Olympic Committee/
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