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Change log entry 36728
Processed by: richwarm (2011-07-09 12:37:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35387 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
Sentence: "那機器是個緣漆的小洋鐵盒子, 大概本來是一隻洋油桶, 裝了一隻柄, 霍霍搖著。" in: 张爱玲。秧歌,page 5.
References: (1) The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, FLTRP.
(2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/970055.htm
# 羊油 羊油 [yang2 you2] /imported oil/kerosene/
+ 羊油 羊油 [yang2 you2] /sheep's fat/suet/mutton tallow/
# Editor: added the following ~
+ 羊毛脂 羊毛脂 [yang2 mao2 zhi1] /lanolin/wool oil/
+ 洋油 洋油 [yang2 you2] /imported oil/kerosene/
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