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Change log entry 36687
Processed by: richwarm (2011-07-07 20:23:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35686 - submitted by 'qinyu' >>
literally "wasting(-away) thirst" -- the term for diabetes used in traditional
Chinese medicine

Editor: 消渴病和糖尿病是名称不一样的疾病,但是两者是同一种疾病,糖尿病中医称

MoE: 中醫上指口渴飲水多而小便多。
# 消渴 消渴 [xiao1 ke3] /diabetes/
+ 消渴 消渴 [xiao1 ke3] /condition characterized by excessive thirst, great hunger, frequent urination and weight loss, identified in traditional Chinese medicine with type 2 diabetes/
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