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Change log entry 36615
Processed by: richwarm (2011-06-29 20:56:45 GMT)
Comment: How can they be both "in Ningxia" and "between Ningxia" and somewhere else?

How can they be "between" two adjacent areas?

"The Helan Mountains (Chinese: 贺兰山; pinyin: Hèlán Shān; Mongolian: Alaša aγula),
frequently called Alashan Mountains in older sources, are an isolated dessert mountain
range forming the border of Inner Mongolia's Alxa League and Ningxia." [Wp]

"dessert mountain" ... yummy!
- 賀蘭山 贺兰山 [He4 lan2 shan1] /Helan mountains in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia/
+ 賀蘭山 贺兰山 [He4 lan2 Shan1] /Helan Mountains, lying across part of the border between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia/
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