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Change log entry 36583
Processed by: richwarm (2011-06-28 02:36:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35543 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
The correct examples should be 过生日(celebrate a birthday) or 过春节(celebrate the Spring Festival). It is not
proper to use the word for holiday (假期 or 假日)

Editor: Nothing wrong with saying "celebrate a holiday."
A holiday can be a 節日 as well as a "假期 or 假日"
節日 节日 [jie2 ri4] /holiday/festival/


"Signature of the Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan): 25 December - a secular national holiday,
which due to its date is celebrated in some respects like Christmas"

"These groups [Haredi Judaism & Hasidic Judaism] view these new days [Jerusalem Day, Holocaust
Remembrance Day, Memorial Day & Israel Independence Day] as secular innovations, and they do not
celebrate these holidays." [Wikipedia]

You could put "etc" after "holiday" in the definition, but it's implicit, really.
= 過 过 [guo4] /(experienced action marker)/to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)/to live/to get along/excessively/too-/
# + 過 过 [guo4] /(experienced action marker)/to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a birthday or festival)/to live/to get along/excessively/too-/
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