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Change log entry 36582
Processed by: richwarm (2011-06-28 01:50:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35544 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
"to approve" is " 认可" and "to permit" is 许可. The single word 可 by itself does not connote these meanings at all.

Editor: If "approve" is wrong, why is "may" still in the definition?
你可以走了。 --- Doesn't 可 mean "approve/permit" in 可以 here?

either long or short is acceptable
(i.e. *approve/permit* either long or short)
= 可 可 [ke3] /can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/certain(ly)/to suit/very (particle used for emphasis)/
# + 可 可 [ke3] /can/may/able to/certain(ly)/to suit/very (particle used for emphasis)/
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