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Change log entry 36581
Processed by: richwarm (2011-06-28 01:35:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35546 - submitted by 'jbradfor' >>

Editor: "My daughter is half Black and Half white... (My husband is
white and I'm black.) She loves to climb on my husband.. We were at
dinner with my mom, and my daughter was doing what she always
does climbs on him. My husband said ("you little monkey").. Like he
always does... My mom (who's 63) got this disgusted look on her
face. I mean really??? It's 20011 is this some sort of social mistake
to call a her a monkey? ...

"(Reply:) your mom had it harder then we do so take it easy on her
and understand what she went through -- good luck and just remind
your mom times have changed"
+ 馬騮 马骝 [ma1 liu2] /monkey/little monkey (affectionate term for children, subordinates)/
By MDBG 2024
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