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Change log entry 36430
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-17 21:04:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35029 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
The director has just assumed his post for not too long when the staff can already see that his management skills are uncommon.

Editor: maybe you are confusing 出 and 初. There is no sense of "opening" here.
What's more, 出手不逊 can be seen as a set expression, the most common sense of which is illustrated by this:
# - 出手 出手 [chu1 shou3] /to put one's hand to sth/
# + 出手 出手 [chu1 shou3] /to put one's hand to sth/skills displayed upon making opening move/
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