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Change log entry 36425
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-17 19:18:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 35041 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
妹妹的性格完全不像姐姐。Her charactor is not all all like that of her older sister. 旅行用品,像牙刷,衣服,都准备好了。I have prepared the things needed for travel, such as toothbrush, clothing.

to be like = to resemble
to look as if = to seem (but better)
"such as" was missing
- 像 像 [xiang4] /to resemble/to appear/to seem/appearance/image/portrait/
# + 像 像 [xiang4] /to resemble/to appear/to seem/be like/look as if/such as/appearance/image/portrait/
+ 像 像 [xiang4] /to resemble/to be like/to look as if/such as/appearance/image/portrait/
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