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Change log entry 36108
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-05 08:49:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34998 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: (...) 会在看电影时抽泣的铁汉运动员,被耐克花了巨款请来代言品牌、却在北京奥运会获得金牌之前,被人发现正自己在洗衣房里洗球衣的巨星。(Article about Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
2) Sentence: 而他也从贝克汉姆那里接过了Armani内裤的广告代言。(Article about Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
3) http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=%E4%BB%A3%E8%A8%80
# 代言 代言 [dai4 yan2] /to speak on behalf of/to endorse/endorsement/
+ 代言 代言 [dai4 yan2] /to be a spokesperson/to be an ambassador (for a brand)to endorse/
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