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Change log entry 36051
Processed by: ycandau (2011-06-02 18:47:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34949 - submitted by 'erwin_heimgartner' >>
1) Sentence: 到世界各地巡回 比赛,拥有让人艳羡 的广告合同 ……这些会让你对他人 的需要更敏感 吗?(Interview with Rafael Nadal in ELLE China)
2) http://baike.baidu.com/view/358901.htm
3) http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=%E8%89%B3%E7%BE%A1
4) Google translator
+ 艷羡 艳羡 [yan4 xian4] /to envy/to admire/
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