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Change log entry 35912
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-29 14:22:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34719 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
1) more correct? (don't know if there's an official simplification rule for 凈=>净
but that's implicit given it's a rare variant, isnt it?)
2) the only version in MoE
3) many more counts.
- 凈 凈 [jing4] /variant of 淨|净 clean/
+ 凈 净 [jing4] /variant of 淨|净[jing4]/
- 清凈 清净 [qing1 jing4] /peaceful/quiet/tranquil/purified of defiling illusion (Buddhism)/
+ 清淨 清净 [qing1 jing4] /peaceful/quiet/tranquil/purified of defiling illusion (Buddhism)/
- 沙悟凈 沙悟净 [Sha1 Wu4 jing4] /Sha Wujing/
+ 沙悟淨 沙悟净 [Sha1 Wu4 jing4] /Sha Wujing/
= 凈心修身 净心修身 [jing4 xin1 xiu1 shen1] /to have an untroubled heart and behave morally (idiom)/
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