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Change log entry 35894
Processed by: richwarm (2011-05-29 01:10:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34843 - submitted by 'jsmith' >>
could be any kind of 植 not just trees, try google images
Editor: not just the stem or trunk, according to various dictionary definitions
1 长成的整个植物体
2 一棵成長的植物體,包含根、莖、葉等部分

Baidu says 义同“植物”相差很大,植株更为确切,植物所指更为广泛。
--> "individual plant" rather than "vegetation; flora"
- 植株 植株 [zhi2 zhu1] /tree trunk/
# + 植株 植株 [zhi2 zhu1] /tree trunk/plant stalk/
+ 植株 植株 [zhi2 zhu1] /plant (horticulture)/
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