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Change log entry 35870
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-28 17:55:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31349 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
The main authority for these is my wife, a Taiwanese university professor
who teaches statistics, but see also
NB that we have a good entry for variance already but degrees of freedom
and variance are two quite different things
# Editor: we may criticize this as a construct, but it does mean "statistically significant" -- used a lot.
# - 有統計學意義 有统计学意义 [you3 tong3 ji4 xue2 yi4 yi4] /statistically significant/
- 顯著 显著 [xian3 zhu4] /outstanding/notable/remarkable/
+ 顯著 显著 [xian3 zhu4] /outstanding/notable/remarkable/statistically significant/
# Editor: no, this means "(having) a significant difference". Chinese Wp makes this confusion too. But take this sentence of theirs:
# "比如,我們說A、B兩數據在.05水平上具備顯著性差異": would your wife say that A and B have a significance level?
# or that 0.05 is the significance level?
# + 顯著性差異 显著性差异 [xian3 zhu4 xing4 cha1 yi4] /significance level (statistics)/
+ 虛無假設 虚无假设 [xu1 wu2 jia3 she4] /null hypothesis (statistics)/
- 總體 总体 [zong3 ti3] /completely/totally/total/entire/overall/
+ 總體 总体 [zong3 ti3] /completely/totally/total/entire/overall/population (statistics)/
- 自由度 自由度 [zi4 you2 du4] /(math.) (number of) degrees of freedom/variance/
# + 自由度 自由度 [zi4 you2 du4] /(number of) degrees of freedom (statistics)/
# Editor: not restricted to stats
+ 自由度 自由度 [zi4 you2 du4] /(number of) degrees of freedom (physics and statistics)/
+ 信賴區間 信赖区间 [xin4 lai4 qu1 jian1] /confidence interval (statistics)/
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