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Change log entry 35851
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-28 15:19:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34831 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
# (submitted by Rich. I clicked the wrong button)
# I can't verify much of the definition.
# In any case, "to date sb" seems to be a more useful def in most examples:
# e.g. 他还很小啦,我觉得他应该大学拍拖也不迟。
# ("to court" seems a bit too formal in examples I saw.)
# Editor comments: 2011-03-18 19:53:57 [richwarm] 大家好,我刚来深圳不久,很多东西都很费解,... ... 南方人真他妈有意思!管那些玩具叫公仔,管谈恋爱叫拍拖,俺们乡下人还真是不习
- 拍拖 拍拖 [pai1 tuo1] /hitched together (of row-boat attached to motor-boat)/to court (esp. Cantonese)/courting couple/to depend on one another/
+ 拍拖 拍拖 [pai1 tuo1] /to date sb/
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