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Change log entry 35845
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-28 15:12:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33635 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
originally posted by chad.
# a little messy here. Any alternatives?
# Editor: there is more in the queue. I will take care of it.
# = 洩露 洩露 [xie4 lou4] /variant of 泄露[xie4 lou4]/
# = 洩露 洩露 [xie4 lu4] /variant of 泄露[xie4 lu4]/
# = 泄露 泄露 [xie4 lu4] /to leak (information)/to divulge/
# + 泄露 泄露 [xie4 lou4] /to leak (information)/to divulge/
# 烟硷 is [yan1 jian3] nicotine. Don't know how that got in there
- 菸斗 菸斗 [yan1 dou3] /variant of 煙礆|烟硷[yan1 dou3]/(smoking) pipe/
+ 菸斗 菸斗 [yan1 dou3] /variant of 煙斗|烟斗[yan1 dou3]/
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