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Change log entry 35841
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-28 14:12:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33570 - submitted by 'thisparticulareditor' >>
"brag" is used but this english word doesn't imply it is not truthful
this chinese word seems to have implications of negativity

Editor: It does.
I have met southerners who only know the sense of "chat" (rather idly is implied).

Also, 吹牛逼, which sheds a different light on this expression, or the more innocuous 吹牛皮
- 吹牛 吹牛 [chui1 niu2] /to brag/to chat (dialect)/
# + 吹牛 吹牛 [chui1 niu2] /to brag (implies untruthfully) /to chat (dialect)/
+ 吹牛 吹牛 [chui1 niu2] /to talk big/to shoot off one's mouth/to chat (dialect)/
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