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Change log entry 35838
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-28 13:58:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34517 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
Example: 小芳看完了家信后,思潮起伏,心情久久无法平息下来。After Xiao Fang had read the letter from her home, many thoughts surged in her mind such that she could not calm down her mood for a long time.
# 思潮起伏 思潮起伏 [si1 chao2 qi3 fu2] /thoughts surging in one's mind/diffrent thoughts coming to mind/
+ 思潮起伏 思潮起伏 [si1 chao2 qi3 fu2] /thoughts surging in one's mind (idiom)/different thoughts coming to mind/
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