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Change log entry 35427
Processed by: ycandau (2011-05-16 18:27:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34088 - submitted by 'rosswood40' >>
Confidence game? Is there really a CL for 苦肉计? Is there a good English word or set phrase for 苦肉计?
Editor: the CL is the one for 計; not often used but correct.
You cannot feign self-injury.
- 苦肉計 苦肉计 [ku3 rou4 ji4] /feigning self-injury to win confidence/confidence game/CL:條|条[tiao2]/
# + 苦肉計 苦肉计 [ku3 rou4 ji4] /feigning self-injury to win confidence/
+ 苦肉計 苦肉计 [ku3 rou4 ji4] /the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence/CL:條|条[tiao2]/
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