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Change log entry 34834
Processed by: richwarm (2011-04-22 02:50:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 34202 >>
Editor: Okay, "replace" is a little ambiguous -- it's not "put something back in its place" for example.
I think the new def makes it a bit clearer. As far as I can tell, 更換 only means "exchange" in the sense of
"exchange faulty goods etc" and I think that sense is covered by "to replace." Likewise "to make a
replacement" doesn't add anything to the def if we have "to replace (a worn-out tire etc)."
- 更換 更换 [geng1 huan4] /to replace/
# + 更換 更换 [geng1 huan4] /to replace/to change/to exchange/to make a replacement/
+ 更換 更换 [geng1 huan4] /to replace (a worn-out tire etc)/to change (one's address etc)/
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