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Change log entry 34471
Processed by: richwarm (2011-03-30 20:55:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 33876 - submitted by 'adogah' >>
This is a term found mostly in the US immigration context. Source:
Editor: We have 道德败坏 in the dictionary already, but I'll update the definition.
# 道德敗壞罪 道德败坏罪 [dao4 de2 bai4 huai4 zui4] /crime involving moral turpitude, crime of moral turpitude/
- 道德敗壞 道德败坏 [dao4 de2 bai4 huai4] /demoralization/vice/immorality/
+ 道德敗壞 道德败坏 [dao4 de2 bai4 huai4] /vice/immorality/moral turpitude/
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