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Change log entry 32842
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-06 19:53:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31935 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I believe 戴 is correct, or more correct, and that even if we retain the 帶 version, the 戴 entry should not
refer to the other one ("also written 披星帶月...").
- 披星戴月 披星戴月 [pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4] /to travel or work through night and day/to toil away for long hours/(also written 披星帶月|披星带月)/
+ 披星戴月 披星戴月 [pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4] /to travel or work through night and day/to toil away for long hours/
- 披星帶月 披星带月 [pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4] /to travel or work through night and day/to toil away for long hours/(also written 披星戴月)/
+ 披星帶月 披星带月 [pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4] /to travel or work through night and day/to toil away for long hours/(also written 披星戴月[pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4])/
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