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Change log entry 32821
Processed by: ycandau (2010-12-05 19:56:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31921 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
1) to update the modification date (always useful to see quickly someone
put his eyes on an entry once in a while)
2) correcting simplified character
3) 硙硙 [wei2 wei2] is from zdic :
http://www.zdic.net/cd/ci/11/ZdicE7ZdicA1Zdic99187951.htm and sorry for
the poor def I've come up with.
= 磑 硙 [ai2] /snowy white/pure white/spotless/
- 磑 磑 [wei4] /mill/
+ 磑 硙 [wei4] /mill/
+ 磑 硙 [wei2] /see 磑磑|硙硙[wei2 wei2]/
+ 磑磑 硙硙 [wei2 wei2] /of high and stable appearance/
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