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Change log entry 32361
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-20 18:39:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31179 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
This is exactly similar to nciku
1) is "wire drawing" unambiguous?
2) is "candied floss" what you call that. I assume you are familiar with 拔丝苹果 and the like; what would you call it?
On jukuu I find "in hot toffee", "hot candied", "in spun sugar"
- 拔絲 拔丝 [ba2 si1] /wire drawing/candied floss/
+ 拔絲 拔丝 [ba2 si1] /wire drawing/candied floss (cooking)/in spun sugar/toffee/
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