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Change log entry 32307
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-17 18:31:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 26641 - submitted by 'feilipu' >>
- 捋 捋 [luo1] /strip (cow, leaves, branch)/
+ 捋 捋 [luo1] /to hold sth long and run one's hand along it/
# the meaning is more subtle than "to stroke"
- 捋 捋 [lu:3] /stroke (beard)/
# Editor: will still keep "stroke" as an English approximation
+ 捋 捋 [lu:3] /to smooth or arrange sth using one's fingers/to stroke/
# and a set phrase or two while we're here:)
# Editor: luo1 doesn't seem logical here. MoE says it le4 and means "to pluck"
+ 捋虎鬚 捋虎须 [luo1 hu3 xu1] /lit. to stroke the tiger's whiskers/to do sth very daring/
# 捋胳膊 捋胳膊 [luo1 ge1 bo5] /to roll up one's sleeves and bare one's arms/
# 捋臂揎拳 捋臂揎拳 [luo1 bi4 xuan1 quan2] /lit. to roll up one's sleeves and bare one's fists/to be eager to get started/
+ 捋胳膊 捋胳膊 [luo1 ge1 bo5] /to push up one's sleeves/
+ 捋臂揎拳 捋臂揎拳 [luo1 bi4 xuan1 quan2] /lit. to push up one's sleeves and bare one's fists/to be eager to get started/
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