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Change log entry 32059
Processed by: ycandau (2010-11-09 20:12:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31067 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
/!\ In the examples I've seen, 风尘 seems to be a noun or adjective, but not
really a verb. I'm even less comfortable with the nature of 风尘仆仆, and the
definitions are probably both to be rephrased...
你走了很长的路, 看上去风尘仆仆.
- 風塵 风尘 [feng1 chen2] /windblown dust/to look weather-beaten and weary from travel/prostitute/
# + 風塵 风尘 [feng1 chen2] /windblown dust/to look weather-beaten and weary from travel/prostitute/
# +風塵僕僕 风尘仆仆 [feng1 chen2 pu2 pu2] /to look weather-beaten and weary from travel/
+ 風塵 风尘 [feng1 chen2] /windblown dust/hardships of travel/vicissitudes of life/prostitution/
+ 風塵僕僕 风尘仆仆 [feng1 chen2 pu2 pu2] /lit. covered in dust (idiom)/fig. travel-worn/
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