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Change log entry 31932
Processed by: richwarm (2010-11-05 10:28:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31562 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Minor point of English. "Corresspondance" is not countable so you can't 'send
a correspondence' - 'send correspondence' or 'send a letter'. I think 'send
official correspondence' is the better choice.
- 行文 行文 [xing2 wen2] /writing style (formal)/to send an official correspondence/
# + 行文 行文 [xing2 wen2] /writing style (formal)/to send official correspondence/
+ 行文 行文 [xing2 wen2] /writing style (formal)/to send an official written communication/
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