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Change log entry 31638
Processed by: ycandau (2010-10-21 16:54:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 31142 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
I am submitting this principally as a means of asking advice. It seems that
both 夥 and 伙 exist in both traditional and simplified dictionaries, but that 夥
is more common in trad and 伙 in simp. See the following stats from Google:
Trad Simp
夥伴 32m 4m
伙伴 3m 93m

Google translate gets round this by treating 伙 as the simplified form of 夥.
What should we do? There are lots of other compounds of 夥/伙 which are
treated fairly inconsistently at the moment.
Editor: answer is : 夥 is simplified to 伙 when meaning "companion", so 伙伴 is of course more common on simp pages (it should be the only one).
Thus the present entry is wrong; 伙 is the variant of 夥; entries with 伙 in the fanti field are useless.
# - 夥伴 夥伴 [huo3 ban4] /variant of 伙伴[huo3 ban4]/
# + 夥伴 夥伴 [huo3 ban4] /partner/companion/comrade/
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