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Change log entry 31633
Processed by: chad (2010-10-21 14:36:32 GMT)
Comment: I messed this up before. 昙花一現 is incorrect traditional; Google turns up a significant number of hits for it, but almost none of them are on TW or HK sites. Could this be from automated simplified->traditional conversion?

I think that "beautiful but short lived" is too poetic for the intended meaning in the sentences this gets used in. Flash in the pan is a much better fit.

<< review queue entry 31102 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
I supposed 昙 is wrong as a trad, but looking at the changelog, chad added
these the same day and with different defs... And they respectively have
150k and 56k on google, so 昙花一現 may not be a mistake, but i can't find
昙 in trad dictionaries...
Anyone has a clue?
- 昙花一現 昙花一现 [tan2 hua1 yi1 xian4] /lit. the night blooming cactus shows once/beautiful but short-lived (idiom)/
- 曇花一現 昙花一现 [tan2 hua1 yi1 xian4] /ephemeral/short-lived/transient/flash in the pan/
+ 曇花一現 昙花一现 [tan2 hua1 yi1 xian4] /lit. the night blooming cactus shows once/flash in the pan (idiom)/short-lived/
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