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Change log entry 30867
Processed by: ycandau (2010-09-24 18:16:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29203 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
not easy.
Zdic says zhao1.
neciku and moe and my dicts say zhe5. However
- it's really difficult to pronounce two successive tone 5
- nearly all examples on nciku have "zhao1" in the pop-up pinyin
- what I have heard is more like "zhao1", however it could be heard as zhe1 too.
What I think is that it is a spoken expression, which can be uttered with more or less emphasis on the last syllable, thus any py transcription is not exactly it.
I propose to keep both pronounciations.
- 怎麼著 怎么着 [zen3 me5 zhe5] /(pron) what/(idiom) "whatever", used to replace some verbs in a sentence to form a more general sentence/
+ 怎麼著 怎么着 [zen3 me5 zhao1] /(pron) what/(idiom) "whatever", used to replace some verbs in a sentence to form a more general sentence/also pron. zen3 me5 zhe5/
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