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Change log entry 30691
Processed by: ycandau (2010-09-17 14:12:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29274 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
MoE def of 劍: (1) 武器名。兩面有刃,中間有脊,下有握柄。 (2) 量詞。計算揮劍次數的單位。如:「他身上共中了七劍。」
- 中 中 [zhong4] /hit (the mark)/
# + 中 中 [zhong4] /to hit (the mark)/to be hit by/to suffer/to sustain/
# editor: I don't see that "sustain" is particularly apt here
+ 中 中 [zhong4] /to hit (the mark)/to be hit by/to suffer/
- 中 中 [zhong1] /within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/China/Chinese/
+ 中 中 [zhong1] /within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/
+ 中 中 [Zhong1] /China/Chinese/surname Zhong/
- 劍 剑 [jian4] /double-edged sword/CL:口[kou3],把[ba3]/
+ 劍 剑 [jian4] /double-edged sword/CL:口[kou3],把[ba3]/classifier for blows of a sword/
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