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Change log entry 30339
Processed by: vermillon (2010-08-21 13:33:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29467 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
Should be the Azure Dragon 青龍 (mentioned along with the
three others in all
the sources i've seen)
- 蒼龍 苍龙 [Cang1 long2] /Blue Dragon (the seven mansions of the east sky)/
+ 蒼龍 苍龙 [Cang1 long2] /Blue Dragon, other name of the Azure Dragon 青龍|青龙 (the seven mansions of the east sky)/
- 四象 四象 [si4 xiang4] /four divisions (of the twenty-eight constellations 二十八宿[er4 shi2 ba1 xiu4] of the sky into groups of seven mansions), namely: Blue Dragon 蒼龍|苍龙[Cang1 long2], White Tiger 白虎[Bai2 hu3], Vermilion Bird 朱雀[Zhu1 que4], Black Tortoise 玄武[Xuan2 wu3]/
+ 四象 四象 [si4 xiang4] /four divisions (of the twenty-eight constellations 二十八宿[er4 shi2 ba1 xiu4] of the sky into groups of seven mansions), namely: Azure Dragon 青龍|青龙[Qing1 long2], White Tiger 白虎[Bai2 hu3], Vermilion Bird 朱雀[Zhu1 que4], Black Tortoise 玄武[Xuan2 wu3]/
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