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Change log entry 29941
Processed by: vermillon (2010-08-02 07:29:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29922 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
don't know if this character is famous enough to deserve an entry. I'd personnally never heard of him, but I dont read wuxia...
editor: ok Richard, it's famousenough then!
- 獨孤求敗 独孤求败 [Du2 gu1 Qiu2 bai4] /Dugu Qiubai/
+ 獨孤求敗 独孤求败 [Du2 gu1 Qiu2 bai4] /Dugu Qiubai, a fictional character appearing in 金庸[jin1 yong1] novels/
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