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Change log entry 29822
Processed by: richwarm (2010-07-22 07:40:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 28415 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
"uncovered", which I find in several sources, is wrong, maybe a wrong translation of the Chinese def 没有遮蔽.
敞 means "open to the view", hence a meaning of "vast, spacious" (place).
敞 is also a verb, "to open wide/to be wide open":
敞嘴大笑 -- 敞着门
also applies to a box with the lid off, and hence "to reveal, to disclose" which seems rarer (it's not in MOE f.i.)

Editor: "open to the view" by itself, out of context, sounds odd to me.
- 敞 敞 [chang3] /spacious/uncovered/
# + 敞 敞 [chang3] /open to the view/spacious/to open wide/to disclose/
+ 敞 敞 [chang3] /open to the view of all/spacious/to open wide/to disclose/
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