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Change log entry 29821
Processed by: richwarm (2010-07-22 00:14:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29798 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
"got up in Western dress" does not make sense... never
heard such expression before.

Editor: "got up" is used commonly enough in British English,
but I think it's a bit informal.
- 西裝革履 西装革履 [xi1 zhuang1 ge2 lu:3] /got up in Western dress/impeccably attired/
# + 西裝革履 西装革履 [xi1 zhuang1 ge2 lu:3] /dressed up with Western style clothes/impeccably attired/
+ 西裝革履 西装革履 [xi1 zhuang1 ge2 lu:3] /dressed in Western-style clothes/impeccably attired/
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