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Change log entry 29675
Processed by: richwarm (2010-07-11 23:16:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29576 - submitted by 'uyuy' >>
"Christian" alone is not descriptive enough, and could be mistaken for the proper name.

Editor: I'm not sure what you mean by "the proper name", but "Christian" could be taken for an adjective, so I prefix "a".
- 基督教徒 基督教徒 [Ji1 du1 jiao4 tu2] /Christian/
# + 基督教徒 基督教徒 [Ji1 du1 jiao4 tu2] /someone of Christian faith/
+ 基督教徒 基督教徒 [Ji1 du1 jiao4 tu2] /a Christian/
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