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Change log entry 29674
Processed by: ycandau (2010-07-11 22:39:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 29299 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
"the more complicated variant is not necessarily the more correct"
# actually it seems that the variant is more common in this expression; pbly because it leaves no ambiguity
# - 步步高陞 步步高升 [bu4 bu4 gao1 sheng1] /to climb step by step/to rise steadily/on the up and up/
# + 步步高升 步步高升 [bu4 bu4 gao1 sheng1] /to climb step by step/to rise steadily/on the up and up/
- 陞任 升任 [sheng1 ren4] /promotion/
+ 升任 升任 [sheng1 ren4] /to be promoted to/
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