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Change log entry 29441
Processed by: miles (2010-07-03 20:25:27 GMT)
- 合縱 合纵 [He2 Zong2] /Vertical Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱横家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 Jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BCE)/
+ 合縱 合纵 [He2 Zong2] /Vertical Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱横家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 Jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/
- 鄦 鄦 [Xu3] /surname Xu/vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-221 BCE)/
+ 鄦 鄦 [Xu3] /surname Xu/vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-221 BC)/
- 趙 赵 [Zhao4] /surname Zhao/one of the seven states during the Warring States Period (476-220 BCE)/the Former Zhao 前趙 (304-329) and Later Zhao 後趙 (319-350), states of the Sixteen Kingdoms/
+ 趙 赵 [Zhao4] /surname Zhao/one of the seven states during the Warring States Period (476-220 BC)/the Former Zhao 前趙 (304-329) and Later Zhao 後趙 (319-350), states of the Sixteen Kingdoms/
- 陳 陈 [Chen2] /surname Chen/vassal state during the Spring and Autumn Period 770-475 BCE/Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)/
+ 陳 陈 [Chen2] /surname Chen/vassal state during the Spring and Autumn Period 770-475 BC/Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)/
- 蘇秦 苏秦 [Su1 Qin2] /Su Qin (340-284 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家|[Zong4 heng2 Jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-220 BCE)/
+ 蘇秦 苏秦 [Su1 Qin2] /Su Qin (340-284 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家|[Zong4 heng2 Jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/
- 合縱連橫 合纵连横 [He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2] /Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opposing strategems devised by the School of Diplomacy 縱横家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 Jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BCE)/
+ 合縱連橫 合纵连横 [He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2] /Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opposing stratagems devised by the School of Diplomacy 縱横家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 Jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/
- 連橫 连横 [Lian2 Heng2] /Horizontal Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱横家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 Jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BCE)/
+ 連橫 连横 [Lian2 Heng2] /Horizontal Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱横家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 Jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/
- 閼氏 阏氏 [yan1 shi4] /formal wife of a Xiongnu chief during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE)/
+ 閼氏 阏氏 [yan1 shi4] /formal wife of a Xiongnu chief during the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD)/
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