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Change log entry 29437
Processed by: vermillon (2010-07-03 15:04:13 GMT)
Comment: is an onomatopoeia (as is 豗 hui1). It's looks rare (豕豞 has 275 Ghits), but it's absolutely essential to cedict!!!
Found here http://www.cjkonline.org/?HanZi/ID=35934/17423 and zdic has it too : http://www.zdic.net/cd/ci/7/ZdicE8ZdicB1Zdic95207200.htm
+ 豕豞 豕豞 [shi3 hou4] /grunting of pigs/
+ 豞 豞 [hou4] /grunting of pigs/
By MDBG 2024
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